

Players are challenged by infinite reflections of themselves in every direction, surprising corners and dead ends. Which way is the right way to go?

Players are challenged by infinite reflections of themselves in every direction, surprising corners and dead ends. Which way is the right way to go?

Mirror Maze is a one-of-a-kind maze of mirrors with an Alien theme. Players are challenged by infinite reflections of themselves in every direction, surprising corners and dead ends. Which way is the right way to go? Players go at their own pace. It is great for the entire family.

Enter the attraction and the alien maze of mirrors beckons, where thousands of reflections transform the twisting path into a mystifying labyrinth with surprises along the way. The maze also features two themes, a family-friendly theme and a "PG-rated" theme with intense music and scary aliens.

Players must draw on their speed, agility, and balance to navigate through a field of lasers as quickly as possible, while engaging Mission Objectives along the way.

Players must draw on their speed, agility, and balance to navigate through a field of lasers as quickly as possible, while engaging Mission Objectives along the way.

laser Maze

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In the Laser Maze Challenge, players enter a dark room filled with brilliant green laser beams they must either expertly maneuver through, or strategically break, depending on which style of gameplay they choose. In the classic Laser Maze Challenge mode, players must draw on their speed, agility, and balance to navigate through a field of lasers as quickly as possible, while engaging Mission Objectives along the way. If any laser beams are broken, a time penalty is added to the player’s score. In the Laser Maze Challenge the faster the time and the lower the score, the better!

In Beam Buster, players have only 30 seconds to break as many laser beams as possible. Utilizing the same space and components as the Laser Maze Challenge, players must engage Mission Objectives and Completes in order to activate more lasers and earn bonus points. In Beam Buster, the objective is to achieve the highest score. While primarily intended for young players, Beam Buster contains strategic elements that also makes it appealing to high-energy seekers and players who are young at heart.

Both gameplay modes can be played individually or in teams of two, and incorporate a live action video feed, so spectators watching outside the maze can also be part of experience.

Players are challenged to frantically race against the clock to push buttons as they light up. Players score points by racing around he control room, pushing buttons as quickly as possible.

Time Freak

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Players are challenged to frantically race against the clock to push buttons as they light up. Players score points by racing around he control room, pushing buttons as quickly as possible.

Time Freak is an exciting new attraction that challenges players to frantically race against the clock to push buttons as they light up. Players score points by racing around he control room, pushing buttons as quickly as possible. The more buttons you push before time runs out, the more points you score!

Players are immersed in a vibrant UV themed room with 3-D props and facades. Heart-pumping music, sound effects, and voice prompts add to the excitement. All of this is shown on a big screen monitor mounted outside the room so that other guests can watch the action and cheer on the players. When the game is complete, players exiting the game room will see their scores displayed on the Scoring Monitor and receive a printed scorecard to compare with other players and see how they stack up against the daily, monthly, and all time scores.


